Services with the available infrastructure:

1. ICP-OES spectrometer: Agilent 720 ES

The equipment is intended for the simultaneous, multi-element quantitative analysis of the elemental composition of solutions, and solid samples solubilized by digestion, with a detection limit of less than ppm.

Axial plasma monitoring
Measuring wavelength range: 167 to 785 nm
Possibility of direct analysis of samples extracted with hydrogen fluoride

2. XRD – Rigaku Miniflex II.

The identification of powder samples, thin films and solid crystalline materials can be performed, as well as the phase composition of crystalline mixtures can be determined by lattice-based identification. Parameters:

Measuring range: -3 ° to + 145 ° (2Θ)

Measuring speed: 0.01 ° – 100 ° / min (2Θ)

3. DLS particle size and Zeta-potential analyzer: Malvern Zetasizer nano S

The DLS (dynamic light scattering) device can be used to measure particle size distribution over a very small particle size range (1 nm to 5 μm). It analyzes the time fluctuation of the intensity of the scattered light, the smaller the particle, the faster its motion. During the measurement, the particle size distribution from the backscattered light beam is determined by the so-called “Non Invasive Back Scattered” technique.

Another function of the device is the measurement of the so-called Zeta potential, which can be measured using laser Doppler electrophoresis. If the value of the Zeta potential is zero, the stability of the systems decreases, particles can easily stick together, coagulates and aggregates can form. If the value of the zeta potential is positive or negative, the colloidal system is stable, the particles repel each other, and the probability of their adhesion is reduced.

4. Rheometer Anton Paar / MCR 501

The device is suitable for testing the rheological properties of Newtonian (ideal) liquids, emulsions, suspensions, viscoelastic materials, and melts in rotational and oscillation modes. In rotation mode, measurements can be done by the variation of shear rate and torque (CSR, CSS modes), usually for ideal or near-ideal fluids. The oscillation mode is preferably used to measure the rheological properties of viscoelastic materials. Amplitude and frequency sweeping can be performed, during which we can measure the torque, phase shift and the complex shear modulus, which can be used to specify the storage and loss modulus, which characterizes the elastic and viscous nature of materials. Measurements are simplified by the automatic tool and configuration recognition system (“Tool Master”) and the possibility of accurate and fast tempering with the Peltier element. Primary measurement results are handled and analyzed by Physica RheoPlus software. The equipment is suitable for liquids and melts up to a maximum of 1100 °C. Parameters:

Torque: 0.1 μNm
Torque: 230 mNm
Torque resolution: 0.001 μNm
Internal angular resolution: 0.012 μrad
speed (CSS): 10-7 1/min
speed (CSR): 10-6 1/min
speed: 3000 rpm
Frequency range: 10-5 to 100 Hz
Temperature: -150 to +1000 °C
Normal force: 0.01 to 50 N

5. Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM):

5.1. JEOL JSM-IT700HR / LA

The scanning electron microscope, equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), is capable to examine a wide variety of samples and determine their elemental composition. With the help of the thermal field emission (Schottky) electron source, high-resolution images can be taken, so the device is also suitable for examining samples in the nano-size range. The low vacuum mode also allows direct examination of non-electrically conductive samples.

The main features of the device:

Field Emission Electron Source (FE)
Acceleration voltage: can be changed arbitrarily between 0.5 and 30 kV
Resolution: 1.0 nm (high vacuum, SE detector)
Magnification 5x – 300 000x
Possibility to test electrically non-conductive samples in low vacuum mode (10 – 150 Pa)
Possibility to test large samples; maximum sample size: 200 mm (Ø) x 75 mm (height)

Secondary electron (SE) detector
Secondary electron (SE) detector optimized for low vacuum mode
Backscattering electron (BSE) detector
Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for elemental composition analysis (30 mm2 active surface; 128 eV energy resolution; detection of elements from beryllium to uranium)

Possibility of image and element map montage from a larger sample area

More information:

5.2. Hitachi TM-1000 desktop device

The main features of the device:

Tungsten cathode
Compact size (513 x 478 x 564 mm)
Magnification 20x – 10,000x
Acceleration voltage: 15 kV
Maximum sample diameter: 70 mm
Maximum sample height: 20 mm
Backscattering electron (BSE) detector

6. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer EDX 720/800HS

It is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of solid, liquid and powder samples. Parameters:

Elements to be tested: 11Na-92U
Collimator size: 1 – 10 mm
Sample space size:
diameter: 300 mm
height: 150 mm
Vacuum sample space
CCD camera

7. Microwave Digestion System – Milestone Ethos UP

Microwave-assisted extraction, facilitation of digestion used in elemental analysis by microwave-provided heating and increased pressure in the confined space due to heating.

2 pcs 950 W performance Magnetron (2450 MHz; 1900 W)
Even, homogeneous microwave space by special diffuser;
Sample space: 70 liters
15-seater high-pressure rotor (SK 15); currently: 5 segments; with 100 ml vol. PTFE-TFM containers
Contactless temperature detection and control (IR sensor)
Control terminal (color touch screen); multilingual, iconic software
Built-in application library, according to sample types, with recommended parameters for digestion

8. Spark–OES – BRUKER Q4 Tasman

Optical emission spectrometer for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of various (unalloyed, weakly, and strongly alloyed) steel samples:

Preparation of samples by grinding and polishing
High resolution CCD detector
Multi-detector optics
High spectral sensitivity
ClearSpectrum Technology

9. UV-VIS spectrofotometry – Perkin Elmer – Lambda 45

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of solid and liquid samples (identification, concentration determination)

Two light paths (ref., sample)
Light sources: Deuterium lamp (UV), halogen lamp (VIS)
Photodiode detector
Monochromator: Holographic concave grid, 1053 lines/mm

10. Vacuum furnaces

Production of metal foams, composites and coatings, heat treatments

Vacuum furnaces in small, laboratory and semi-industrial sizes
Possibility to perform high temperature experiments (1800-2200 ° C)
Programmable heating speed and holding time
Experiments in air and Ar atmosphere and vacuum


Ádám FILEP – Group leader, Department of Development – Material Development Research Group
Address: H-3519 Miskolc, Iglói út 2.
Cell: +36-70/658-9224