The Owner of Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research:

Pursuant to Section 42/B (2a) of Act LXXVI of 2014 on Scientific Research, Development, and Innovation, the HUN-REN Centre (registered office: 1052 Budapest, Piarista utca 4., PIR registration number: 840572, KSH statistical number: 15840572-8411-311-01, tax number: 15840572-1-41, represented by: Dr. Balázs Zoltán Gulyás, President) is authorized to exercise the rights of the owner on behalf of the Hungarian State over the Company.

The HUN-REN Centre is an independent budgetary institution established by the Hungarian Parliament as of August 1, 2019. It was created to manage and operate a centrally funded, independent research network that serves as a cornerstone of Hungary’s scientific community. The majority of the members of the independent Governing Body of HUN-REN, including its President, are academics, many of whom are members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Researchers from HUN-REN’s eleven research centers, seven research institutes, and 116 supported research groups operating in universities and other public institutions conduct basic and applied research across the diverse fields of mathematical and natural sciences, life sciences, as well as humanities and social sciences.

HUN-REN continues its activities building on the rich diversity of the collective knowledge accumulated in the research network over more than a century.

Contact Information:

HUN-REN Centre
Phone: +36 30 155 9978, +36 30 131 6022
Address: 1052 Budapest, Piarista utca 4.