The CIRCE2020 project aims to facilitate a larger uptake of integrated environmental management approach in five specific Central European industrial areas by changing patterns from single and sporadic company recycling interventions to an integrated redesign of industrial interactions based on the concept of circular economy. The goal is to introduce innovative cross-value chain waste governance…


Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Kft. is a project partner in the KETGATE project, which aims to facilitate the transnational cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and improve the access of key enabling technologies (KET technologies) for SMEs in Central Europe. KET technologies (nanotechnologies, micro- and nanoelektronics, photonics, advanced materials,…


AGRIFORVALOR will close the research and innovation divide by connecting practitioners from agriculture and forestry to research and academia as well as with associations and clusters, bio -industry, policy makers; business support organisations, innovation agencies and technology transfer intermediaries in multi-actor innovation partnership networks. These networks will be managed by three Biomass Innovation Design Hubs,…