Made in Danube

The rising population and associated demand for renewable biological resources make Bioeconomy a key element for smart and green growth in Europe and the Danube Region. Successful development of innovative services and new products in this field highly depend on an efficient collaboration between research organizations and regional companies. For this reason, Made in Danube…

RM@School 4.0

  The overall goal of the Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools 4.0 (RM@Schools 4.0) project is to demonstrate the importance of raw materials and secondary raw materials to students aged 10-19. For this, it uses interactive experiments, games and activities that allow the collected experience to promote science and technology in schools and bring the…


The project aimed to prove that of electrical & electronic equipment waste can be reused as a secondary raw material for metal processing. In the past few years, several collecting technologies have been developed for WEEE. The main goal of the project is to collect and distribute all the possible technologies for processing WEEE, and…


  The project introduces for both 10-18 years old students and teachers the importance of the Circular Economy in our everyday life. Learning pathways of the project will help to learn to students and teachers the ways of processing of industrial waste and how extractable raw materials can close the loop with recycling processes in…

RM@School 3.0

This project offers an interactive educational methodology for students 10-19 years old, in order to introduce raw materials connected experiments and other educational activities. Completing theoretical education, students can meet with the website of the project, where they can learn exciting experiments and as an interactive self-instruction they can study several raw materials connected teaching/learning…


  AWAЯD aims to boost awareness of future generations (mostly 8-10 years old students) towards the importance of raw materials and introduce their indispensability in our everyday life. Raw materials are mostly taken for granted and industry and society do not consider the consequences of their running out. The AWAЯD consortium had been inspired by…


The KET4CleanProduction project (KET4CP) sets its strategic objectives on helping SMEs to solve their clean production challenges and – as a result – to stay sustainable, innovative and competitive. By encouraging the use of advanced manufacturing technologies and related key enabling technologies (KETs) their production processes suppose to upgrade towards a more energy- and material-…


  Open EURAXESS – To strengthen the effectiveness and optimize the services of all partners in an innovative and open EURAXESS network — EURAXESS TOP IV The project aims to increase the visibility of EURAXESS Network and diversify the services provided by the EURAXESS Service Centres at an increased quality. Its impact will include enhanced…


POWER4BIO project aims at empowering regional stakeholders to boost the transition towards bioeconomy regions in Europe by providing them with the necessary tools, instruments and guidance to develop and implement sound sustainable regional bioeconomy strategies. All the project developments will be validated by 10 participant regions, which will make the results reliable and easy to…