Main activities of Department of Materials Testing is to perform tests of mechanical properties of raw materials, structural elements and industrial products by static and fatigue tests in different environmental conditions.
Department of Materials Testing participates in development of different material testing techniques during Research and Development projects and for industrial requests.
Our Department is inspecting macro property changes, what are evolved by results of Research and Development projects.
The Department of Materials Testing works out own Research and Development projects as well, but in most cases, joins to national and international projects led by other Departments of Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd.
Damage analysis, expert activities and developing of material testing methods are also performed.
Mechanical Testing Laboratory is organic part of Department of Materials Testing, the Laboratory has got unique testing machines by their properties and facilities, and wide range of material properties can be tested using of these. Our testing machines are able to test specimens and smaller industrial products with uniaxial and biaxial (tensile and torsional) load, in wide range of temperature (from -150 °C to 1200°C). Mechanical Testing Laboratory earned strategic research infrastructure qualification during NEKIFUT project.
The following main material testing methods can be performed by the Laboratory:
- static, fatigue and fracture mechanics tests
- torsional tests with torque rotation measurement, Charpy impact tests, laboratory and on-site hardness tests
- Instrumented hardness tests in order to determine macro properties
- Static and fatigue tests of different raw materials (metals, plastics, composites, ceramics, etc.) and smaller structures and industrial products
- Standard and non-standard tests of medical implants and prostheses
Non-Destructive Laboratory mostly performs test-method developments, since 2014. Main competence on Non-Destructive Laboratory is research of applicability of traditional and modern non-destructive test methods on the following areas:
- Developing of inspection methods for detecting surface and volume material-continuity defects
- Analysis of effectiveness of inspection methods by modelling
- Preparation of non-destructive test plans
The laboratory has the following test and test-modelling devices:
- Phased array ultrasonic test device (PAUT)
- Eddy Current test device
- Magnetic particle test equipment (MT)
- Conventional ultrasonic test equipment (UH)
- Wall thickness measuring equipment
- Penetration test
- CIVA modelling software.
Péter RÓZSAHEGYI, Head of the Department, Department of Material Testing
Address: H-3519 Miskolc, Iglói út 2.
Mobile: +36-30/370-0029