A Bay Zoltán Kutatóközpont Tudásmenedzsment Központjának csapatához októberben 4 hétre Spanyolországból érkezett gyakornok, Laura Gascon csatlakozott. Laura jelentős tapasztalatokkal rendelkezik a fenntartható, körkörös gazdaság fejlődését támogató európai uniós projektek menedzselésében. Célja volt, hogy a Kutatóközpontban folyó munkát megismerje, illetve ismereteit átadja a kollégáknak. Ezúton is köszönjük munkáját!
I’m Laura Gascon, from Teruel, Spain and I came to Bay Zoltan for learning more about circular economy, especially in the area of industry. I work in Spain in a local administration as a senior project manager and I deal projects about tourism, energy efficiency, culture, demographic change, entrepreneurship, silver economy… many different questions. We are member of Euromontana, which is an association that represent the interest of sparsely, rural and mountainous areas in Europe. In that field, we are really concerned about the climate change and we foster the concept of circular territories, as mountain areas, because of its isolation, have been more sustainable and self-sufficient than any other.
At personal level, I’m a volunteer in an NGO called „Manos Unidas” that belongs to CIDSE a coordinator of worldwide catholic entities that have two goals, first: fight against hunger in developing countries, second raise awareness about living simpler and being more sustainable in developed countries. As a result of that background, I applied for Climate KIC Pioneers into Practice call as I wanted to increase my network of potential partners in European projects and improve my knowledge at industrial level, as working in a public administration the contact is quite limited.
I decided to come to Bay Zoltan as the company deals with European projects and it is a topic that I know quite well. Here I could increase the experience in other calls as H2020 and cross border cooperation and it is something that I have achieved. I appreciate all the effort that the team in Budapest have done for making me feel welcome.