The goal of the PCRec Product Centric Recycling project is to create a long-term self-sustaining infrastructure and expert network that supports the product-centric processing of waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), with particular attention to printed circuits (PCB), lighting devices, LCD flat screens, and permanent to magnets. The aim of the project is to provide its customers with market-ready technologies that enable the recovery of critical raw materials from WEEE. The range of services includes material science analysis and characterization of waste, LCA tests, and raw material recovery. BZN’s professional role in the project: BAY ENG contributes to the pretreatment and characterization of printed circuit waste with its infrastructure, and BAY SMART participates in the project with life cycle analysis.

The project was implemented with the support of EIT KIC Raw Materials between February 2016 and January 2019.

Partner countries of the project: Italy, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Belgium, Poland, France, Sweden, Spain, Germany

The Hungarian partner of the project is Bay Zoltán Research Institute

More information can be found on the website of the PCRec project: