Motion pictures are video links in one

Touch with our own hands in virtual reality

The unique fine motor technique of the human hand, the eye-hand coordination, the pivotable thumb-finger are the mature results of evolution of the last millennia, with the help of which we shape the world.

In the current trends of human-computer interaction, where users simply come into contact with their virtual environment, they prefer more natural user experience, vision-based non-contact sensors to visualize the virtual projection of the hand.
Reflecting on this trend, the development and experiment-based validation of an interaction model, which provides the experience of natural interaction with our virtual environment in the absence of haptic feedback, can be considered as a niche job.
Building on the astonishing plasticity of the brain, we designed and implemented a model by examining fine-motor interactions of people with sensory-loss-like behavior, because their minds – due to their state – have improved the model of tactile-free grabbing for years.
Based on their experiences, we can create an interaction model without tactile feedback that creates an immersive experience of grabbing and other physical interactions with any digitally designed or scanned three-dimensional object.
By examining the common behavior of the virtual and real object projection, we proved the realness of our tactile feedback-free interaction model in order to utilize the added value of our development in training nuclear power plant operators.

BlindNavigation (SMART collaboration)

When we build interiors with depth camera, we look for visual handholds, the position of which is known by the computer, just like the human orientation. Based on this, we plan the route for blind people in the project VUK, helping their indoor orientation with voice guidance to reach their destination avoiding obstacles.


The result of our development in the field of Augmented Reality and IoT intersection is a smart glass camera, which recognizes light switches using real-time convolutional neural networks.
When the user looks at the switch, the glass swithes the smart light bulb on/off via WiFi connection.As this is just a thought provoking experiment, the device or connection type can be replaced by anything that may be demanded by industry or home users.

Quidditch VR

Who wouldn’t know Quidditch, the most famous sport in the wizard world?
Virtual Reality brings the fantasy of writers to life, in a world where laws of space or physics do not obstruct your imagination. Get up the broomstick, pick up the Vive with the HP backpack computer and become the seeker in the virtual Quidditch Cup!

Training Platform

Virtual Reality is an artificial environment created by computer systems that interacts with the user’s virtual identity.
The main objective of the project implemented in cooperation with Paks Nuclear Power Plant is to create the industrial applicability of a virtual training system in the energy sector, which develops the rapid response of the maintenance team. It also uniquely enables the development of decision-making skills in simulated emergency situations with high technical stress, which only take place in virtual reality due to technical constraints.
Another advantage is that if the industrial facility is still under construction, the maintenance staff can be trained before the building finishes and the reliability and ergonomics can be examined as well. We can save on forced shutdowns, not only providing financial benefits to the company, but the staff can always be up-to-date in new procedures without being exposed to radiation, lack of oxygen or high voltage.

VR contour

Virtual Reality makes the comprehension of complex spatial structures clear. An excellent example is our development for the University of Debrecen and ValFer Ltd, where we visualize the records of the medical imaging devices, so the doctor can quickly, accurately locate and contour the tumor.


While planning the irradiation of a contoured tumor, doctors can master the complex treatment of linear accelerator using the immersive VR application.


HoloStellarium software allows you to view constellations, celestial bodies, and depth objects in the current sky. When using Oculus Go, pointing to a particular area of the sky with a controller reveals the constellation there, whereas with HoloLens, it is enough to glance at that particular slice of the sky. Depth objects are always visible, and clicking on them will magnify the object. The 7 other planets in the solar system, as well as the moon and the sun, can be found in the sky map, choosing them the celestial body is enlarged.
Geographic (GPS) coordinates, latitude, and longitude values must be provided to properly use the software. If you use Oculus Go, you need to turn north to start the software for proper orientation. We must do the same with HoloLens, pointing to the Polar Star.
It is also possible to set the program to see only the red tones of the colors, as our eyes are less sensitive to red light, so it adapts more easily to the contrast of the illuminated display and the dark sky.


Dr. József KAKUK
division director, Engineering Division, Department of Structural Integrity and Production Technologies
Address: H-3519 Miskolc, Iglói road 2.
Mobile: +36-70/649-8251